Gardeners of
Greater Cleveland
Since 1932 - 90 Year Anniversary
Annual September Show Report
Jim Bell, Cheryl Bordner & Clark Bordner, Judges
Mark Occhionero, Julie Henry & Tom Davis, Organizers
The 2019 GoGC Horticulture Show was well attended and there were over 50 good quality entries this year. There would have been more entries except that the growing season weather wasn’t very good, and the judges voluntarily held back on the number of their entries. The 2019 Best in Show and Peoples’ Choice awards both went to Deb Kramarz for her bonsai tree planter. Last year the same double honor went to Hank Doll for his chard. There were many blue ribbons awarded in all the sections.
This was a tough year for growing plants and especially vegetables. We had heavy rains in the spring followed by a real drought in the late summer. Other Horticulture Shows in our area also had fewer entries especially for fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, there were many excellent entries in the Cactus and Succulent Section.
Thanks go to everyone participated, to our judges from the Gardeners of Greater Akron – Jim Bell, Cheryl Bordner and Clark Bordner – and to Mark Occhionero, Julie Henry and Tom Davis from the GoGC who organized the show. John Schinker from the Men’s Garden Club of Youngstown was the clerk for the show. Tom Segelin organized the tables in the room. The check-in-table worked well helping members prep their entries and fill out the entry card. The show looked good with the table clothes and the well-organized sections.
We are planning on another show in 2020, so start thinking about an entry now. Who knows, you might win a trip to the honor table or even one of the top awards!